目前分類:華鎮風情畫 (39)

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It really bugs me when people think that Taiwan is part of China. People ask me: “Where do you come from?” I tell them, “I come from Taiwan.” Their first reaction are ALWAYS like: “Oh! Is that part of China?” I will say no politely to the first time they ask, say no irritatly second time. Scream in their ear to make them remember if they have the guts to ask me the third time.


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1.Having to buy books with my own money

2.When having a earthquake, I have nowhere to go

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Equality means to me that people are treated equally. No matter what skin color they have, black is still a color, why white better than black? I understand people like to be around friends who have the same religion, but even so, you can still accept people who has different religion, or skin color. African’s skin is just darker, nobody can control their own looks, I believe they don’t wanna be excluded in groups, either. I admire people who will accept anybody different with open arms, open hearts. When you are having a hot meal in your house, think of the refugees, maybe they are starving, and praying for food. When you see people like that, why not share them some food? Every single life is important, not only the Whites’, including Blacks’, just because we are all made by the same parent: God. We have the same parent, so why not just respect, and love each other like siblings?

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The sun rose high up in the sky, welcoming us to the Royal Botanical Garden(RBG), where we’d never been before. I was excited about the trip. After I finished breakfast, I hummed and hopped to my room, put my camera and sun screen in my bag, because those are what the must-haves to go to  the Royal Botanical Garden.

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之前一直說想去皇家植物園(Royal Botanical Garden)今天終於滿足我想去玩的願望了,現在就來向各位介紹一下。夏天去植物園賞花,很多東西是必備的,像:球鞋,水,防曬乳,還有最好可以自己帶三明治,累了可以坐下來與家人野餐,省錢又美味的中餐,實在是太讚啦!!


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Guess what?!Vinillafier really broke in last night, our watch tower said it really is him!Our sensor worked!So our computer files are saved! Whoohooo!! Today we are going on a hunt for Vinillafier. Will said he came in today morning and saw someone left a thing behind that he was looking for the whole week: The vinilla syrup, we are going to use that to attract Vinillafier, our watch tower gave us a clue, it’s that we have to find out what Vinillafier’s cell phone number is, so we can track him down. So we tried to find out what the cell phone number is, the question was like: How many kinds of payment does the Chem Store take? So we have to go down to the Chemistry building, and ask how many payments does the store take and then write the number down, it’s really fun but tiring.

When we finally found out the ten numbers, we gave the numbers to our watch tower, the watch tower came up with a set of cell phone number, so we used the GPS in iPad to track Vinillafier, this is how we used: Ryan said we have to enter 10 digit number in GPS in order to get the directions, so we did, and found out Vinillafier is somewhere near Mac Lab, Oh My God!That’s where ExXtreme 1 is!!!The fact really shocked us, so we wore our costumes and went to Mac Lab, Will held on the Vinilla Syrup ready to attract Vinillafier anytime, the room was dark, nobody was in the room,Ryan went in first, just in case something jumps out, when he made sure nothing will jump out he told everyone to go in and start to find Vinillafier. 

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Today we are making alarm systems, like sensors, in case Vinillafier breaks in, and hack in our computers, uh-oh, that won’t be good.

So...our leaders said we can either work with a partner or by ourselves, I chose to work with Kristy and Joyce chose to work with a girl named Emily, in our camp there are only four girls:Me,Emily,Kristy, and Joyce, and I think Joyce and Emily became really good friends, they always work together when we need partners, and I think that’s really good, because she have successfully made a friend in Canada which is a friend she never had before.

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Today we still get to edit our flying films, but it’s also our last day for editing films. Vinillafier talked to us on Ning today, I tried to private chat him,but he said he’d only chat to groups of people,that made me really frustrated.

Guess what? Today’s my birthday?So...?We are eating ice cream this afternoon,well...not exactly because of my birthday, they planned before they know.Anyways, after we edited our films, a boy ran all the way back and said to the whole class: “Hey people!!!I saw Vinillafier running in the hallway when I come out of the washroom.”Now, we are all scared, because we know Vinillafier is somewhere near us.

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Yay!!Finally, I couldn’t wait for today, because today we get to edit our films to look super-powered.We used a software called Adobe Premiere, Ryan said it’s more friendly, easier to use, for children.

Editing our films is actually fun!! Although I havn’t use Adobe Premiere before, I asked for help alot, because for me it’s kind of complicated,who never edit films before.

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Today is my first day at Engineering Science Quest camp. Actually, I’ve been there last year, the most different thing is this year I’m with my cousins, Kristy and Joyce. It is better with them, because when I need a partner I know I will always have one.

Our theme is Super Heros, we have to pretend we are super heros. We made our own capes, eye masks, and we get to use our super hero’s name too!! Our leaders said we can’t use our real name because then that won’t be fun, anybody will figure out who you are.

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Fun corner, comfortable place in the world, that’s how I would describe my room.When I enter my room, it is like a Wonderland, I can do whatever I want, like jumping on my soft bed, reading, or snoring, anything.

If I pull up my curtain, I am a popular star just like Hannah Montana, somebody waves at me, because my frontyard is in front of my room, then of course, you can see the side walk.I get to enjoy the wonderful life of a popular star, way cool!

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“Okay guys!Get your agendas out!The sooner we finish it, the sooner you can go home!” Mrs.Coke said to the whole class.

“Hey Emily F.!Do you want to go to the Hartherwood Plaza with me after school?” I asked

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Hi there! My name is Annie, and I am 11 years old, I am from Taipei, which is the capital city of Taiwan, it has many yummy foods that I am sure you will like it! 2 years ago, my whole family moved to Canada to live with my brother, he is 26 years old, did I just scared you to death?


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It was sunny outside, my classmates and I head out to the field and play soccer baseball out there, I love to be the defencer, because when I caught a pop up ball, my teamates cheered for me.

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“Who?” Everybody wondered.

      “It’s Ricky!” said Beverly.

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It was a nice day; the Major Mystery Club had a meeting, because there was a mystery going on at Diana David’s house.

      Janet Jersey, Alice Aarons, Beverley Burg and Chelsea Chi went to Diana’s house, and they saw a knocked over garbage can.

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Do you know how old is my brother, Jerry? He is 26 years old, you must be surprised! He is also very strong, he have dark black hair, big brown eyes just like my dad, I like when he play with me, we fight sometimes, but it’s always a fun fight, so nobody will get hurt.

     He finished university already, and he is studying in Master’s class now, he’s so smart that I asked him the Math that I don’t know, he knows everything! I think he’s studying about Earth, but I’m not sure.

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“Who?” everybody wondered

“It’s Alice!” Said Diana

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This day was Janet Jersey’s birthday, May 5th. Her friend, Alice Aarons, Beverly Burg, Chelsea Chi, and Diana David was invited to Janet’s birthday party. Her mom, Mrs. Jersey was a good baker, she baked 6 plates of chocolate-chip cookies for the kids, while Mrs. Jersey is making the cookies. The kids went to the backyard and play.

       “I will be right back, just want to go to the washroom, and can you lead me to the washroom, Janet?” asked Alice.

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