It was sunny outside, my classmates and I head out to the field and play soccer baseball out there, I love to be the defencer, because when I caught a pop up ball, my teamates cheered for me.

Sometimes, I'm the pitcher, but I don't really like to pitch, I like to be in field or kicker.When it's our team's tern to kick, I'm the second kicker, when the first kicker(It's normally boys) kick a high ball, we cheered, but when it's my turn, I couldn't get the ball to fly in the sky like a bird, when I kicked, the ball is like a snake crawling in the ground.When we finished playing, I told my dad to practice soccer baseball with me every night,  so I can get the ball flying in the sky, he accepted my request.

So, we went to Candaian Tire, my dad got me a soccer ball, and then we went to Laurelwood's(My school) field to practice with me, I like to spend a night with my dad like this, even though we are both tired, it was really



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