The sun rose high up in the sky, welcoming us to the Royal Botanical Garden(RBG), where we’d never been before. I was excited about the trip. After I finished breakfast, I hummed and hopped to my room, put my camera and sun screen in my bag, because those are what the must-haves to go to  the Royal Botanical Garden.

At about eleven o’clock we arrived in Hamilton, where the Royal Botanical Garden is located.We went straight to the RBG Centre, bought the tickets, and then went to the Centennial Rose Garden in Hendrie Park. The roses in late-July and early-August are the ugliest, so it’s not a really good time for seeing roses. We kept on walking, passed  Morrison Woodland Garden, and a really, really long trail called Grindstone Marshed Trail. I saw a little pond. A grandpa and another two grandpas were canoeing, but the first-placed grandpa reached a bridge, it seems like he wants to get through the bridge from under, the other grandpa said: “Hey man! I think you might need a haircut to get through!” Everybody sniggered,including my family and myself. I also saw a family fishing by the pond, and there’s a extraordinary big swan, it has a tag attached to its body saying A59. I thought it was kind of interesting, because it was my first time to see a swan with a tag.I ponder what the tag is for?    


In middle of the “Walking Festival” I prodded my mom and complained that I was hungry, so we had to walk back to the RBG Centre in order to get something to eat. It was a long way back, and it felt like I could never get back there.We had to walk by a huge graveyard, and I was sort of scared.What surprised me was Canada’s Funeral Homes are really solemn and gorgeous.When we are finally at the RBG centre, I was anxious about getting some food to eat, but another absurd situation happend - a fishhook was lodged in mom’s shoe, but my brother got the fishhook out at last, and mom looked extremely reliefed.

After we had lunch at the nearest Macdonalds(which is in Burlington), we drove back to the garden, and went to the Medical Herb Garden. Now I learned about a lot of  herbs. I saw a diminutive bee hive in a show box, it’s really fascinating, because I’d never seen a bee hive in my life!!I wonder if the bees have honey in there?

I found most flowers quite pulchritudinous, I took more than two hundred photos, and I wish I have a better camera, so the photos could become more realistic. The garden made me want to stay forever and never want to go home! We bought annual pass, so we can go there as many times as we want for one year, it is a really good place to go. I learned a lot of things.

I’d passed Hamilton several times while going to Toronto, but never really got a chance to actually go in Hamilton and see if anything interesting was going on, but now I have, and I bet Royal Botanical Garden is one of the scenic spots in Hamilton. I saw few houses just across the street from Royal Botanical Garden, they are expensive, just across the street from the garden, I would be so lucky if I lived there, then we wouldn’t be wasting our annual pass, because I could go there for a walk every morning, how marvelous would that be?


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