目前分類:華鎮風情畫 (39)

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Tall, strong, friendly, that’s how his family would describe him.

      Yuan has dark black hair, he has very big eyes, and they are dark brown, he also has a big nose, he has a very big head, so when he goes to mall to buy hat, he needs an extra large one for his big head, although he had a thick eyebrow, still looks perfect on him, the face of his, plus that very strong smile, the kind that girls like the most.

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   My mom and my dad have some similarties.They both have the same favorite fruit, their favorite fruit is banana.Secondly, thier favorite thing to do is the same.They both like to drink tea together.Thirdly, they both agree on their best thing to have is "children"! Lastly, they both share the same favorite country.Their favorite country is Taiwan.

  They also have differences.They prefer different seasons. My dad likes autumn, my mom likes summer.Secondly, they like different colours.When asked the question is "What's your favorite colour?", my mom's answer is purple, my dad's favorite colour is dark blue.Thirdly, they like different names. My dad's favorite name is Richard, my mom's favorite name is Nancy.Lastly, my mom's favorite sport is swimming, and my dad's favorite sport is baseball.

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十月三十一日,是大家最喜歡的節日:萬聖節(Halloween),不管是大人或小孩都作怪!很多人都扮殭屍(Zombie)還滿恐怖的!想想看,當你一回頭,看到後面站了一個「假」殭屍,你的反應會是怎樣呢?當然,這只會嚇到比較膽小的人吧。我們學校(Laurelwood Public School)要求學生要找一本書裡面的人物來扮演,學校舉辦一個抽獎活動:,如果想參加,就必須扮演書裡的人物,他們會給你一張單子,要你填你扮演的是什麼書? 書中的什麼人物? 書的作者是誰?等等... 一早,就廣播說: May I have your attention please! May I have your attention please!

I hope all students have a Happy and Safe Halloween: First, DO NOT go trick or treat by yourself! Second, be careful when you are crossing the streets!

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孔明看了,居然大笑起,人們都覺得很奇怪,水精靈死了,應該哭才對啊?怎麼反而大笑呢?孔明曰:「天神在它們要落地的那一瞬間,把它變成了可以融化的『雪』,所以精靈們不會死的啦!!」哈哈哈哈哈~~~                   呵呵~~孔明先生真乃仙人也!!

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"Forzana, can you come with me?"said Mr.Stinkyfeet

"But Wh...y m...e? not Sarah?" said Forzana

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  It was Elizabeth's birthday, and it was a sunny day. Annie, Emma, Forzana, Tina, Sarah and Elizabeth's uncle, Mr.Stinkyfeet were invited to Elizabeth's birthday party. Mr.Stinkyfeet gave Elizabeth a DS for her birthday present.

  At 11:00, the people are all gone, Elisabeth wanted to play her DS, but she relized that someone had stole her DS. So she called Emma, Kayla, and of course Mr. Stinkyfeet for help. First, they had to find some clues, they found a muddy footprints, and the muddy fingerprints too.

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On Friday, I went to my friend’s house at 7:00 P.M. she was at her friend’s house first, and PHEW! She came back, so we went on a computer game called “Maple Story”, It’s an Online game, and she have 2 computers, so we can talk each other on the game!!

On Saturday, I went to Conestoga mall, and I saw my classmate, my mom bought me a pant in Lasenza Girl, I love new cloth and pants! I hope I can go to swimming sometimes next weekend!

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At Lunch Time, we swiched group, group 1 went inside to learn from a teacher about Cereal box things, group 2 go to the maze.

I'm in group 1, so I write all the things happened in group 1, after we have seen the maze, we went to a little house that don't actually have a central heating things, we are so cold in there!!><".

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On Wednesday,October 15, My whole class went to a place called "Ontario Corn Maze", on the bus, we connect DS games and played each other, It took us 45 minutes to get there, but still, It was fun bus riding!!

When we're there, our teacher divided us into 2 groups, Group 1 could go to the Corn Maze first, Group 2 would go there after we finished our lunch, when my group and I was walking in the Maze, OH MY GOD!!! It was so complicated, It took us an hour get through that maze!!

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On Monday, It was Thanksgiving Day, but my family didn’t have a turkey dinner, so it was a boring Thanksgiving.

        It was early in the morning, my family and I woke up earlier, because usually, we have to go to school at Monday right? But this weekend, I guess we don’t!! when we finished our breakfast, we talked each other, and drink tea, and that’s all about our Thanksgiving morning.

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  • Sep 15 Mon 2008 03:00


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It’s so nice to come to Waterloo to live with my brother!

Because I can learn more from him, well….I mean English, and my new school was nice too, but it’s still sad to move away from Edmonton.

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