Guess what?!Vinillafier really broke in last night, our watch tower said it really is him!Our sensor worked!So our computer files are saved! Whoohooo!! Today we are going on a hunt for Vinillafier. Will said he came in today morning and saw someone left a thing behind that he was looking for the whole week: The vinilla syrup, we are going to use that to attract Vinillafier, our watch tower gave us a clue, it’s that we have to find out what Vinillafier’s cell phone number is, so we can track him down. So we tried to find out what the cell phone number is, the question was like: How many kinds of payment does the Chem Store take? So we have to go down to the Chemistry building, and ask how many payments does the store take and then write the number down, it’s really fun but tiring.
When we finally found out the ten numbers, we gave the numbers to our watch tower, the watch tower came up with a set of cell phone number, so we used the GPS in iPad to track Vinillafier, this is how we used: Ryan said we have to enter 10 digit number in GPS in order to get the directions, so we did, and found out Vinillafier is somewhere near Mac Lab, Oh My God!That’s where ExXtreme 1 is!!!The fact really shocked us, so we wore our costumes and went to Mac Lab, Will held on the Vinilla Syrup ready to attract Vinillafier anytime, the room was dark, nobody was in the room,Ryan went in first, just in case something jumps out, when he made sure nothing will jump out he told everyone to go in and start to find Vinillafier.