Yay!!Finally, I couldn’t wait for today, because today we get to edit our films to look super-powered.We used a software called Adobe Premiere, Ryan said it’s more friendly, easier to use, for children.

Editing our films is actually fun!! Although I havn’t use Adobe Premiere before, I asked for help alot, because for me it’s kind of complicated,who never edit films before.

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Today is my first day at Engineering Science Quest camp. Actually, I’ve been there last year, the most different thing is this year I’m with my cousins, Kristy and Joyce. It is better with them, because when I need a partner I know I will always have one.

Our theme is Super Heros, we have to pretend we are super heros. We made our own capes, eye masks, and we get to use our super hero’s name too!! Our leaders said we can’t use our real name because then that won’t be fun, anybody will figure out who you are.

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Fun corner, comfortable place in the world, that’s how I would describe my room.When I enter my room, it is like a Wonderland, I can do whatever I want, like jumping on my soft bed, reading, or snoring, anything.

If I pull up my curtain, I am a popular star just like Hannah Montana, somebody waves at me, because my frontyard is in front of my room, then of course, you can see the side walk.I get to enjoy the wonderful life of a popular star, way cool!

I spent most time in my room, “pizz,pizz,pizz”, “sh-sh-sh”, “cut-cut-cut”, wait! What is that?Ah-ha! My mom is cooking yummy foods again, I can’t wait to taste it.Her stuff is yummy as ice-cream, although my mom’s dinners are not as cold as ice-cream.

The clock was “tick-tocking”, in my room, whenever I practice violin, it is like a metronome, it’s annoying.My computer is buzzing like a hive of bees now, you can hear nearly anything in my room.Except when my big brother, Jerry and I play in my room.Wow!The only thing you can hear outside my room is me screaming, because he always tickles my funny bone.

My room, paradise, you can smell dinners from my mom’s cooking, hear noisy stuff, I like that sometimes, whenever I feel scared and lonely, the noises are always with me.You can see people jogging on the sidewalk, smiling at you.You can also feel my cotton candy bed.

Whenever I’m walking down the street, and if it’s cold, I would immediately thought of my room.My room is the nicest place in the world!You can use my room to hide from someone or anything including family events and people loving each other.

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“Okay guys!Get your agendas out!The sooner we finish it, the sooner you can go home!” Mrs.Coke said to the whole class.

“Hey Emily F.!Do you want to go to the Hartherwood Plaza with me after school?” I asked

Because there are four Emilys in my class, I had to say her last name, or else four Emilys would turn their head around and say, “yeah?”

“Sure, I’m free today!” Emily said happily.I knew she’d love to go to the plaza, she said she feels like an adult.

“I live closer to school, so I am going home first to drop off my little sister, then I’ll meet you at Starbucks okay?” I said, excited.

“Okay then, I am just gonna go straight to the plaza,” Emily said.

“Okay class!You are dismissed!” Mrs.Coke said.

As soon as she said dismiss, the whole class sprinted out the portable door. But not me and Emily, we are always the last two to leave school property. I told my parents not to worry, I’ve got a cell phone.

“See ya!” Emily waved to me, I waved back, walking in front door.

“Meet cha in Starbucks!” Emily yelled, I could hear her even in my kitchen.

As soon as I brought my sister Ellie home, I took a faster route to the plaza, I stepped in Starbucks, smelled coffee instantly, I looked around, trying to find Emily, saw a large lady, a little girl, and a gentleman, but......no Emily.

Hmm...I wonder where Emily went? I thought.

I dialed her cell phone number. Beep...Beep...Beep...

“Help!Help!Isabella!Help me!I’m...” came Emily’s voice.

“Shut the hell up! And Gerry,throw that stupid phone outta here!” a man ordered, obviously, to throw Emily’s cell phone out somewhere.

“OH!MY!GOD!” I can’t spit out a single word, I can hardly breathe. I held on to a chair, partly fainted, and dropped my phone ay the same time.

Don’t tell me this is true, I am pretty sure I am dreaming, I thought to myself.

An innocent, happy girl who was talking to me ten minutes ago, now has been...kidnapped? I thought.

What am I gonna do now? Right, calm down, and phone her parents.As I took a deep breath. I dialed a familiar number.Beep...Beep...Beep...Beep...Beep...Beep...Ugh,crap!This is an emergency!Crap!Crap!

“Hi!”As soon as I heard a “Hi”, I said: “Hi”, but the voice went on:

“You have reached (899)900-1234, please leave a message after the beep: Beep!

“Hello? Mr. and Mrs. Frober, this is Isabella, I think Emily was kidnapped!” I said in one breath.

I ran all the way home, ignoring my shoes(I was wearing flip-flops), I got home without any shoes, they fell off while I was running, but I just kept on running.

My parents were staring at me, my mom said:

“Isabella!What in the world are you doing without any shoes on?”

“Mom!That’s not important, the important thing is that Emily Frober was kidnapped!” Tears ran down my cheeks as I explained what had happend.

“I’m sorry, what?” mom asked again.

“Kidnapped!Emily Frober was kidnapped!” I cried again.

“Oh,my,god!” mom said, her chin dropped.

My dad, who was washing dishes, suddenly used a serious expression to look at me, but he seemed calmer than mom.

“Really? Then we need to get the police!” dad said.

“I need to phone Stephanie, is she home?” my mom asked me.

“Nope, I was trying to reach them, I even left a message!” I said.

By the way, Stephanie is Emily’s mom, my mom and her mom are pretty close friends.

“Okay, the police have reached her parents, they are gonna meet us in front of the police station!” my dad announced.

(Twenty Minute Later)

“Stephanie!”my mom called out and went to hug her, I think they even cried.

“Now, what do we do? My brain is blank!” Emily’s mom said

“We’ll leave the rest to the police,” Emily’s dad, Jacob said.

“Okay,okay, but I am still worried! By the way, I found this letter when I got home from work,” Emily’s mom said, handing the letter to the police.

It says:


Leave $100 000 000 in the garbage can beside the Hartherwood Park tomorrow noon, and no tricks, or else I can’t guarantee if your daughter will be safe!

“Oh wow!Kidnapping,” my dad said in disbelief.

“Yeah! How ridiculous!” my mom said.

“Should we just set trap and get my Emily back?” Emily’s mom asked.

“But if we set trap then...” said Emily’s dad.

“Don’t worry, we are good at traps!” the police officer said with confident.

So the next day, we set the trap, the police hid behind the bush, ready to arrest the kidnapper anytime he appears, but then, we heard Emily scream, the police ran over, and so did we, but no one was there.

The plan was ruined, the kidnapper knew the police were there. We were all thinking about the next plan.But we heard a sharp knife sound and Emily moaned, the next thing in our brain was: Oh!No!What has just happend?

The police ran over quickly, and so did we, there’s no kidnapper, but we saw Emily, lying in a pool of blood.

“No!!!!!!!” everybody shouted together, and started crying at the same time. I would never forget what Emily looked like:red cheeks, just like a fresh apple, and smart, her brain never sleeps, it’s always full of cool ideas.

We love you, Emily!

Story By: Annie Hu

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會長: 奶茶 & 戀雲巧克力


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Hi there! My name is Annie, and I am 11 years old, I am from Taipei, which is the capital city of Taiwan, it has many yummy foods that I am sure you will like it! 2 years ago, my whole family moved to Canada to live with my brother, he is 26 years old, did I just scared you to death?


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It was sunny outside, my classmates and I head out to the field and play soccer baseball out there, I love to be the defencer, because when I caught a pop up ball, my teamates cheered for me.

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“Who?” Everybody wondered.

      “It’s Ricky!” said Beverly.

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