The ship heaved in the waves, crashing from one wall of water into the next. Crew members, frightened for their lives, had scurried below into cabins, hoping for a miracle from the dread of the storm. The captain called out for all hands to take their stations, but to no avail. The gale-force winds had the ship in its grip, and doom lurked in the spray lashing at the vessel.
The passengers swaying back and forth with the ship. The expression on their faces seem really helpless, some prayed for miracle, some holding their baby in their arms, crying for help, but they had absolutely no luck. The strong wind howled like a hungry wolf, within minutes of passengers screaming, the gigantic ship sank to the bottom of the ocean. The strong wind is cold-blooded creature, he doesn’t care about other families waiting for their members to go home. The bodies down the ocean rest forever...Never waking up again...